
Aptitude Question: Some HOTs

 Quantitative Aptitude (1) What is the number of zero's at the end of the product of the numbers from 1 to 100? Sol: To find out the number of trailing zeros, we first need to acknowledge the times 10s can be produced in the factorial sequence: 1x2x3x4x5....x100 Since 10s are made when an even# meets 5  in the sequence, then: → (100/5) + {100/(5*5)} = 20 + 4 Or 24, will be the needed answer.

About this blogger

 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘  𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 This is me. Pls bear with me:) This is a quick post to introduce you to the Foo Smiths blog. In this blogger you will find information related to (but not limited to): Programming, Tools: Python, SQL, R, Power BI... Quantitative and Qualitative Skills: Reasoning, Data Interpretation... Data Science Machine Learning Tech Problems: My 5 cents I like to flex my funny bones or explain things from the base up so if you want to cut the crap you can  💁 directly refer to the information in the emoji-highlighted text to get a quick purview of things.   Hope to include cool graphs, mind maps and cartoons to supplement max learning. PS: Memento mori. So live everyday and live well.

VARC Crackers: Reading Comprehension Tips

  TIPS (1) Note the time spent for each passage.  - Consider the total time alotted (say 40 minutes). Ask yourself: what is your RC goal for the exam? Accordingly alot time (say need to do 3 RC in 18.30 minutes or 6.10 minutes average) and stick to it during mocks practice.  (2) Check the QA first and go back to the RC.  (3) While reading RC check what arguments are presented by writer OP. Are they: - Presenting claims? - Presenting statements?  (4) RC are usually laying the following  trap : - Makes the test taker make their own new understanding from the information given in the question and mix that with writer OP's arguments.  - That is, the questions are framed so that the test taker will create new arguments which were never there in the first place.  EG- RC states: (1) Y is pushing X to take a stance. (2) X defies Y by banning (event) because of a scientific cause. Questions asks: The (event) which Y banned would most likely result in?...